Association Member Benefits and Fundraising with ScholarFind

ScholarFind database services offer professional associations the opportunity to offer a significant member benefit to student members, to academic departments in field, and to corporate sponsors. Additionally, professional associations can earn commissions on the database subscription fees. The commissions are based on the number of subscriptions. The more the association helps with the sales of subscriptions the higher the commission rate and the more the association can earn. Plus the association can earn nearly 100% of the revenue from student registration fees, or can pre-authenticate their student members if they would like to offer the service to them at no cost.

Many academic departments report that there are many talented students that look past their graduate programs for any number of reasons. There are many students that have the credentials to be admitted into any number of graduate programs and the aptitude to succeed, yet they do not apply. Through ScholarFind database services students can put their credentials in front of multiple graduate programs with one simple profile.

Similarly ScholarFind offers a database service for internships. Using this service undergraduate students can upload a profile containing their academic and work histories, their transcripts, and letters of recommendation. Internship programs can subscribe to the database and can use it to identify more potential candidates.

ScholarFind will work with your team on branding and marketing. You can contact our partnerships team by email or by phone.